Posts Tagged ‘SAVAGE NEGRO’


Posted: January 31, 2010 in Writing
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Last September, I wrote about a new endeavor I was undertaking — a narrative serial experiment that when completed would be the first draft of a novella, which I call SAVAGE NEGRO.

Since then, I have been publishing a single page every day, Monday through Friday; although I had a vague idea of the overall story, I had no plot defined beforehand. Instead, I decided to choose my own adventure and let the story and the characters reveal themselves to me as I wrote each day.

At the end of last week, I reached a significant milestone after publishing the 100th page of the story — I have written every weekday, one hundred days, about the tales of the SAVAGE NEGRO and I am pleased to have made it this far.

Honestly, there have been a number of times when I thought the story had hit a dead end (but as I hoped, SAVAGE NEGRO has been an adventure where the characters drive the story — and that allows me to turn a new page each day).

Every page, every scene, has been enjoyable for me write and hopefully a worthy pageturner for anyone who has been reading so far. The story itself is at an interesting point right now and I look forward to how it will all play out. I have my suspicions, but I have been surprised more than once while writing this story!

In many ways, SAVAGE NEGRO has been a crazy journal of discovery for me through the characters in the story. I have no idea what will happen tomorrow and whatever comes up, whatever comes out — I trust that the journey will continue to be worth the effort.